Welcome to the Upper Columbia Conference men’s ministries department
We exist to equip and empower men to become men of God, willing to stand up and take the gospel message of hope and wholeness to the world. It is our goal to raise of leaders who will in turn lead the men in their community to faithful service to Jesus Christ.
We provide training and certification in men’s ministry leadership, a library of excellent resources for leading a local men’s ministry, and links to some of the best information and resources available in North America for empowering the men of your church.
It is our prayer that through our ministry you may become a, “man of God…thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:17) ļ»æ
Sept. 12-14 - Blue Mountain Men's Ministry Meeting
For more information, contact Glenn Silver (glennsilver51@gmail.com).
Men's Ministry Certification
The North American Division Men’s Ministries developed this 10-module training to equip the local Men’s Ministry Leader to lead and serve his brothers in Christ, family, and community.