A church or school which desires to purchase or begin a building or renovation project must first review and complete the pertinent forms and guidelines in the links to the right under "Property Forms/Guidelines." Once the forms are completed, they should be submitted to the Upper Columbia Corporation for review by the Building Committee at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
If you are needing to sell property, please contact the Corporation Department to ask for the steps you need to take; from business meeting minutes, to listing, to completion of sale. Guidelines on how the proceeds from a sale of property are treated can be found on the links to the right.
Long-Term Leases (6 months or longer)
A church or school which desires to enter into a long-term lease of their property to another entity must use the Corporation board approved lease document found to the right under “Lease Forms.”
Important: do not alter the body of the lease/license agreement in any way other than in the designated fillable areas within the document. It has been prepared by legal counsel and should not be altered.
All leases are required to be signed by two officers of Upper Columbia Corporation. Please note that if signed only by the local entity individual, signatories are carrying personal risks as they are only authorized to co-sign on the document with the Corporation officers.
Please note that leasing to a for-profit entity that exceeds more than six (6) uses in a calendar year will result in paying property tax on the square footage footprint of your building that they use. The Corporation highly discourages the leasing of your building to for-profit entities. There are some exceptions to this rule for schools. Please contact our department for further information.
Short-Term Leases (less than 6 months)
A church or school that wishes to enter into a short-term lease of their property to another entity or individual must use one of the forms found to the right under “Lease Forms.” These documents can be modified to fit your particular circumstances.
The document titled Event Use Agreement – multiple documents, has several different documents included. The first is for entities to use your facility on a short-term basis. The second is a carpooling permission form. The third is a school field trip permission slip. Feel free to alter these documents to fit your circumstances. Be careful not to remove legal language from the forms.
The document titled Release of Liability – individual usage, should be used when allowing an individual to use your facility. One of the most common uses would be a wedding. Usually an individual cannot provide their own proof of insurance coverage for commercial use. So in these cases the church/school insurance policy is primary.
When letting another entity use your property, whether one time or for an extended amount of time, it is important that they provide proof of insurance. They need to provide both general liability and abuse/molestation coverage. Limits of insurance must be no less than $1 million/incident and $2 million/aggregate. They must name Upper Columbia Corporation of SDA and your local entity as additional insured to their policy.
Two documents of proof are required:
There are examples of these documents linked on the right. It is very common for the renter’s insurance company to not provide the endorsement and only provide the certificate. But we must have both before they are allowed to use your property.