Health Ministries


Thank you for your interest in the health ministries department at Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Recent Conferences

The health ministries department hosted a conference, Breast Cancer: Reduce Your Risk, on October 22, 2023. Please enjoy the following presentations.

Introduction slides

Using Lifestyle to Reduce Your Risk of Disease and Recurrence

Annalee Wilson

Cooking Demonstration

John Goertzen & Katy Bean

Soul Food: Nourish Your Mental Health to Increase Your Body's Defense Against Disease

Timari Browerļ»æ

Lymph & Exercise for Prevention and Recovery

Becky Pagotelis

Speaking From Experience

Judy Halone

Our Team

Useful Links

AMEN Northwest Conference

Discover God’s master plan for forgiveness and healing and how to share these life principles with others. For all levels of health care providers, Bible workers, outreach coordinators, pastors and ministry leaders.

> Watch the AMEN Northwest 2019 Conference

The Many Faces of Healing Conference

Healing methods are changing. Have you noticed? Are the alternative healing methods a better choice for Seventh-day Adventists? Who is to say one method is OK while another is not? Why all the fuss? These and many other important questions were addressed during "The Many Faces of Healing."

> Watch The Many Faces of Healing Conference

Health tips

By Cindy Williams April 8, 2024
Is eating your veggies really that important? Cindy Williams, RN, health ministries coordinator at UCC shares why eating your veggies is so beneficial to your health.
By Cindy Williams February 22, 2024
February is American Heart Month learn about preventative measure you can take.
By Cindy Williams August 2, 2023
Summer Health Tip #3: Summer is a great time to get outside and cool off in the water, but remember to take precautions to prevent accidental drownings.
By Cindy Williams July 18, 2023
Summer Health Tip #2: Heat is historically the top weather-related killer in the US and most of these deaths could have been avoided with a few simple steps.
By Cindy Williams July 3, 2023
Summer Health Tip #1: Food poisoning is something that affects people year-round but, here in the US, it seems like it is more common during the summer months.
By Cindy Williams March 13, 2023
Melatonin goes through the body in the bloodstream cleaning up the oxidative stress molecules that it finds. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that also works during the daytime by means of a different system that God created in our bodies.
By Cindy Williams February 27, 2023
Antioxidants have become a “buzz” word in the nutrition world. Consumers are constantly bombarded with advertisements and labels that tout the benefits of various antioxidants. But how does this relate to sunlight?
By Cindy Williams February 15, 2023
I find it interesting that God created light, day, and night before He created the sun, moon, and stars. I think of day and night based on the rising and setting of the sun. I wonder what the light created on day one was like.
By Cindy Williams January 10, 2023
Comfort zone: “a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested.”
By Cindy Williams December 12, 2022
Traditions are not something we talk much about. Changes, upgrades, and improvements are pushed on us at a rapid pace and seem to make the old less needed. Yet most of us value and welcome traditions.
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