ļ»æIn the gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his followers the parable of the talents in which He illustrated the teaching that each of us have been entrusted by our Master with certain talents. Our duty, as faithful stewards, is to care for that which has been entrusted to us in the best possible way we are able, protecting it from loss, while using those talents to further the work of Him who entrusted them to us.
Developing a proactive risk control program is not only an important part of fulfilling our duty as stewards of the people and property entrusted to us, it is also one of the best ways to help control losses due to injuries to church employees, members and guests as well as property damage. Adventist Risk Management and the Upper Columbia Conference Risk Management Department are working hard to help you reduce your exposures and develop controls.
Working together, we can identify loss prevention strategies to benefit your church, your work force, your church family and your bottom line. Together, we can find solutions that will make a difference.
To the right you will find different risk control and insurance categories that will help you with different needs as they arise.
Located in the menu bars to the right of the screen are all of the property/vehicle/injury insurance related forms and resources.
To process forms promptly
Complete the proper form entirely and submit it as an e-mail attachment to: jimmyj@uccsda.org. You can also send forms via fax to (509) 242-1474. If you have questions regarding claims, please call Jimmy Johnson at (509) 242-0474.
Claim guidelines
The following guidelines will help you in determining the Loss Notice/Claim Form necessary for your particular situation.
Certificate of insurance request
Please complete the Certificate of Insurance Request Form located under the forms menu bar.
Property application:
Please complete the Property Application Form and submit it as an e-mail attachment to jimmyj@uccsda.org.ļ»æ
When a church/school purchases a vehicle, or if a vehicle is donated to a church, the vehicle needs to be insured through Adventist Risk Management (quotes can be obtained). When titling the vehicle, it should be in the name of Upper Columbia Corporation of SDA and the local entity. It would look like this:
Upper Columbia Corp of SDA
Local church/school name
Local church/school mailing address
To acquire insurance, please e-mail the following information:
Many choose to keep their title in the Conference office vault. This also makes it convenient when you wish to sell the vehicle, as Corporation officers will need to sign the title. If you wish to send your title, put the envelope to the attention of Upper Columbia Corporation.
Please note that it is the policy of the Upper Columbia Conference that 15 passenger vans are not to be owned, used, or rented.ļ»æ
ļ»æRegister and purchase insurance through Adventist Risk's Short Term Travel Hub for international travel/mission trips.
Driver’s Questionnaire Form - coming soon
Prohibited Activities List - coming soon
Other information:
Safety Officer Job Description
Church Safety Officer Resources from Adventist Risk Management
School Safety Officer Resources from Adventist Risk Management