The Adult Ministries Department of the North American Division has developed a curriculum for the enrichment of Adult Sabbath School teacher/discussion leaders and congregation members who are involved in Personal Ministries outreach and leadership. The courses are self-contained units and are not required to be studied in sequence. For more information, see
Core Skills Level Sabbath School Training Course
The High Calling of the Sabbath School Teacher (CU-101)
This course outlines the basic spiritual and personality traits expected of a teacher, the teaching and learning methodology used by Jesus, especially His ways of dealing with people, and will provide support in leading a successful Sabbath School class.
Understanding Your Bible (CU-102)
This course is designed as an overall introduction to understanding your Bible. To some it may seem elemental, but it is always valuable to see the big picture and have in mind the broad outlines of one’s textbook, in this case the entire Bible.
How to Interpret the Bible and the Writings of Ellen G. White (CU-103)
This course on hermeneutics (the science of biblical interpretation) is probably the most technical course in this curriculum, and will require careful study. The result of your study will be a well-informed and practical knowledge of the basic rules of biblical interpretation.
Essential Skills Level Sabbath School Teacher Enrichment Course
The Laws of Teaching and Learning (ES-1)
This course is a combination of knowing and doing. A teacher who knows his or her subject well, and follows systematic procedures in preparing the lesson, must also have the skills and knowledge about how to present the lesson effectively. There are certain laws of learning that apply to Sabbath School classes. Adults learn in certain ways, but the basic principles of learning are the same for all age groups.
This course outlines the steps an adult Sabbath School Teacher/Discussion Leader can take in adequately preparing a Sabbath School lesson.
Learning Process/Learning Style (ES-3)
This course is a combination of knowing and doing. A teacher who knows his or her subject well and follows systematic procedures in preparing the lesson must also develop the skills and knowledge about how to present the lesson effectively.
Advanced Skills Level Sabbath School Teacher Enrichment Course
This course focuses on the technology of how to manage a small group process in Sabbath School. From its inception, Sabbath School has advocated small classes. These Sabbath School classes are a type of small group. They form the core and the strength of the Sabbath School.
Teaching Techniques of Jesus (AS-2)
This course is a combination of “knowing” and “doing”. It deals with the teaching and learning methodology used by Jesus and His ways of dealing with people.