Upper Columbia Conference’s one-day event to inspire, train, network, equip, and resource those working with children.
When: Sunday, March 2, 2025
Where: Upper Columbia Conference Office
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
NAD VBS “Mountain of Miracles"
Presenter: Rocio Rojas-McFadin
At Mountain of Miracles kids will explore Mountain of Miracles, a place where God's love is rock solid! They’ll love learning more about Jesus through Bible stories from the story of Elijah. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always with us.
Egypt Holy Land Adventure VBS
Presenter: Jackie Calonder
Welcome to your 2025 Holy Land Adventure VBS—where the Bible comes to life right before your eyes! At Egypt, everyone gets to explore first-hand the culture of Joseph’s world. Alongside Joseph, they'll experience the heartbreaking trials, joyous victories, and tear-filled celebrations of this unique Bible hero. God’s Word comes alive as families enjoy traditional Bible-times customs, occupations, food, and even games!
Group’s Easy VBS – True North
Presenter: Jackie Calonder
Point kids to Jesus, a faithful friend we can always trust. Guide kids on the ultimate Alaskan adventure where northern lights glow over majestic mountains, racing rivers, and glistening glaciers. As kids trek the tundra, they’ll explore how easy it is to lose sight of what’s true in our wild world today. Pointing them toward Jesus, True North VBS shows them that he is a faithful friend we can always trust. He’s our True North!
Group’s Weekend VBS – Yee-Haw
Presenter: Jackie Calonder
Saddle Up for a Wild Weekend! Ready for a trailblazing weekend of fun? At Yee-Haw VBS, kids’ll kick up their heels as they stampede through the wild frontier and celebrate the greatest truth of all—God is good!
Alive in Jesus
Presenter: Jennifer Bullion
The Alive in Jesus curriculum introduces Beginners and their parents to the wonderful stories and lessons of the Bible. This curriculum shows that the truths of the Bible are unchanging and trustworthy. The central purpose of using the Bible in such an intentional way in the Alive in Jesus curriculum is to draw children into a growing relationship with Jesus. Lessons focus on character building with the goal of guiding our children closer to Jesus so they can reflect His character to those around them.
Reaching Your Community's Kids All Year Long — A Cycle for Children's Evangelism
Presenter: Robert Koorenny
Engaging kids with faith-building content year round can be tough—but the Voice of Prophecy and Discovery Mountain make it easy! From high-quality, fresh media every week to easy-to-use Bible study and sharing resources, we deliver what you need to grow your children’s ministry. Learn more at evangelismcycle.com/kids.
Origins: The Evidence VBX
Presenter: Myckal Morehouse
This 3-day VBS on creation includes games, crafts, creation lab, and more!
Decorating on a Budget
Presenter: Sandy Wiebe
Family Worship Boxes
Presenter: Sandy Wiebe
How-to workshops on making a multi-level Sabbath School great
Active Learning & Bible Learning Activities
The Family Worship Box – making family worship work
Promotional Materials:
Digital Announcement (1920x1080)
NAD Resources:
Mountain of Miracles
Purchase your NAD Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit today and save $20!
Offer good until March 31, 2025
Rocio Rojas-McFadin
Rocio Rojas lives in Texas with her husband. Together they have a blended family, 5 adult children and 2 grandchildren. She is passionate about children's ministry. Children have a moldable heart and have a short window to reach and teach them.
Jackie Calonder
Jackie Calonder is a Group Publishing Ambassador. She is also the minister at her church, Joyful Servant Lutheran Church in Newberg, Oregon. She has been in ministry for more than 25 years and loves Vacation Bible School and seeing how the love of God comes alive in the eyes of kids.
Jennifer Bullion
Jen Bullion is the children's and women's ministry coordinator for the Washington Conference. She is passionate about Jesus and sharing His love and empowering leaders to do what the Lord has revealed to them in their local area. "What idea has God put in your heart and mind to serve the children and families in your sphere of influence?" she says, "I want to know, because I want to help you make it happen! Do you have to be the children's ministry leader or VBS leader? No, just someone who loves Jesus and wants to see the gospel spread to all the world! Reach out to me and let's go for it, friend!" She is married to her wonderful husband/nurse/pastor Greg, has three beautiful children, and two kitties.
Sandy Wiebe
Myckal Morehouse
Myckal Morehouse is the pastor of the Sandpoint Adventist Church.
Robert Koorenny
Robert Koorenny is the associate director of public relations and marketing at Voice of Prophecy. His deft ability to engage the public with spiritual content makes him the ideal ally for churches seeking to reach their communities. He regularly develops high-quality digital and print assets to support evangelism in the local setting. Previously, he organized literature ministries programs for multiple conferences in the North American Division.