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The Benefits of Sunlight part three

March 13, 2023

Melatonin goes through the body in the bloodstream cleaning up the oxidative stress molecules that it finds. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that also works during the daytime by means of a different system that God created in our bodies.

By: Cindy Williams, RN

Coordinator, Health Ministries

In the last article I talked about circulating melatonin that is produced in response to the rhythm of day and night, the rising and setting of the sun. This melatonin goes through the body in the bloodstream cleaning up the oxidative stress molecules that it finds. Melatonin is a powerful antioxidant that also works during the daytime by means of a different system that God created in our bodies.

Remember the mitochondria – the powerhouses of cells? They generate ATP and, as a result, produce free radicals or oxidative stress. Those mitochondria also manufacture melatonin in response to Near Infrared Radiation (NIR). This part of the solar spectrum, 700nm to 1400nm, is what we experience when we feel the warmth of the sun. You can feel this warmth and get the benefits even in the winter, on cloudy days, through light clothing, and through single pane glass.

These wavelengths can penetrate deep into our body and touch large numbers of cells, stimulating each cell to produce melatonin. This melatonin does its job of cleaning up oxidative stress right there in the cell that made it. It does not circulate in the bloodstream.


Our amazing Creator also made it so we can experience the benefits of NIR without being in the direct warmth of the sun. Much of nature, especially greens and blues, reflect this radiation. Sitting under a tree on a beautiful sunny day helps stimulate those mitochondria to produce melatonin. Isn’t that incredible?


As if that isn’t enough, scientists are looking at research findings that indicate that some of the harmful effects of UVA are mitigated by the benefits of NIR. You just must be out in the sun and in nature enough to get the full spectrum of solar radiation! Spring is nearly here in the Pacific Northwest. Do yourself a favor and spend lots of time in the sun and in nature.


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