I am my brother’s keeper. I will wear a mask to protect you from me. Your mask will protect me from you.
I made a face mask for myself today. Just a simple fabric mask with things I had in the house. In addition, I intend to wear it when I need to leave home for the essentials and am around people.
We have received confusing messages about the use of masks over the past couple of months. I have wondered why. Why can’t we get a clear answer about this simple act that is practiced in many countries on a regular basis? I believe now that it is because we have been asking the wrong question. The question has been “will wearing a mask keep me from getting COVID-19?” The answer has generally been “no”.
Masks only protect the wearer when they are made from certain materials, individually fitted to the wearer, and handled in specific ways. It is unrealistic to think that we could make that happen for millions of people.
But, what if we asked a different question? What if the question is “will wearing a mask keep me from giving the coronavirus to others?” We now know that you can be contagious for about 48 hours before you have symptoms and for some time after the symptoms have subsided. We know that there are some people who are contagious who never have symptoms. We also know that the virus is carried on respiratory droplets and that is where most of the transmission is occurring. A well-fitting face covering will keep the majority of respiratory secretions out of the air and decrease the likelihood of spread to others.
Wearing a mask or other face covering combined with good handwashing, social distancing, and staying home is very effective at reducing transmission rates. I am my brother’s keeper. I will wear a mask to protect you from me. Your mask will protect me from you.
Mask Tips
Masks should completely cover the mouth and nose without gaps above or on the sides.
Masks are most effective if they are made of at least two layers of fabric. Tightly woven material is best.
Use a pattern that works for you. Here is a tutorial for one that is simple to make and has some helpful features. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QrW4zIjMwY You don’t even need a pattern. Search for no-sew masks and you will see many options using materials you probably already have at home.
Treat the mask as contaminated once you put it on. Touch it only on the elastic or the very edge.
Wash your hands before and after handling your mask.
Wash the mask in regular soap and warm or hot water after each use.
Wear whenever you need to be in a place where it is difficult for you to stay more than six feet from others. Remember – you are protecting them!
In 2024, Orofino Adventist Christian School, with support of the Serve One More initiative and the Adventist Church, repaired a family’s home in time for Christmas.