Idaho's Post Falls Church in Idaho recommitted to health ministry in 2017. The first health class was initially well-attended, but 10 weeks was a long time — and people dropped out. The second health class was shorter and also well-attended, but people dropped out again. Over and over people commented their favorite part of the classes was being able to try the foods. So, it was decided to have a few cooking classes.
The cooking classes have become very popular. This season eight cooking classes were planned that explore global flavors, including those of England, India and the Mediterranean. And this past October, we inserted a 20-minute health presentation within the cooking class time. Since there were eight cooking classes, it was decided to focus on the eight laws of health.
The evaluations were glowing. People loved the health information and the whole-food, plant-based meals along with recipes.
About 30 guests, most non-Adventist, came for the Scandinavian-themed dinner in January. Post Falls Church has been blessed with new members who are in the health care field. This has greatly increased the capacity for health ministry, headed by Jay and Alison Cover.
As for advertising for these classes, it has been a learning process. The decision to have a website dedicated to the ministry with a registration email address and ministry team contact information has been a boon. Business cards and flyers outlining months of upcoming classes in advance can been printed up, which in turn refer people to the website for class details as well as preregistration.
One of the health team members has shared this ministry on a local vegan Facebook page. The classes are enthusiastically commented on and shared. There have been several new people attending from the vegan group. A local Adventist physician refers his patients to the cooking classes. A community plant-based group as well as a non-Adventist nurse practitioner spread the word too.
The Lord is clearly leading as more and more people are attending, and it is incredibly exciting to develop deep and lasting friendships with those who attend regularly. At Post Falls Church, we eagerly anticipate what God has planned. Our health ministry website is
Their classes ceased after January due to the COVID-19 virus. This article is shared as fodder for possible future cooking classes. Jeanne Barrett-Usher and Sheila Cumbo, are on the Post Falls Church communication team