Continuing Education


Continuing Education

As professionals in the crucial work of “equipping God’s people for works of service,” pastors must keep developing new skills and fresh perspectives.  While God’s truth may not change, the world we are called to share it with is constantly changing.  

The Upper Columbia Conference is committed to providing our pastors with diverse ways to keep honing their skills. We think it's so important, we’ll pay you for your efforts.ļ»æ


  • How can I get continuing education credit?
    • Personal activities – Anything you do to help you develop your professional skills can be turned in for continuing education (CE) credit. You can read books, listen to podcasts, take online courses, watch videos, even taking tours and trips can be counted for credit
    • Pastor’s retreats – Twice a year we’ll pay your food and lodging to meet with the other pastors in UCC to fellowship, pray together and hear from presenters on current topics relevant to your ministry. And all that time is something you get to count for CE credit
    • NAD Called Convention – Every five years the NAD puts on a mega pastor’s retreat. We help you get there and you get to count your time toward your CE credits.
  • How many credits to I need?
    • Over the course of a calendar year, we ask all our pastors to complete 2 CEUs of continuing education activities a year.
    • 1 CEU is defined as 10 contact hours spent in CE activities.
    • That means 1 hour of participation in a CE activity is worth .1 CEU
  • We’ll reward you!
    • Every pastor gets $250 dollars a year to apply toward professional development.
    • If you complete your CEU requirements for the year, you’ll get an additional $500 of professional development funds to use.
    • And even better, you can roll your funds over for up to three years for big things like a trip to the Holy Land or a ministry convention.
  • How do I record my credits?
    • Record all your CEU activities in the Adventist Learning Community
    • If you are new to the system, click here for all you need to know about using the Adventist Learning Community.
    • All CEU requests will be forwarded to the ministerial director for approval.
    • In addition to a simple place to report CEU activities, the Adventist Learning Community has dozens of online courses you can take for CEU credit.

Quick links

  • CEU Policy
    • Please review the Upper Columbia Conference CEU policy here.
  • Request CEU Funds
    • We will be adding the link to request CEU Funds shortly.
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