By Cindy Williams, RN
Coordinator, Health Ministries
In my last article, we discussed how important activity and exercise is to our health. But, probably like most of you, I hate to exercise! Some people have even told me they even hate the word “exercise.” It conjures up a picture in their mind of someone exhausted, sweaty, stinky, and miserable working out at a gym. I hope that isn’t the picture that you see when you think of exercise. If you do, let’s find a way to switch out that picture.
The beauty of exercise is that there are so many ways to do it. You can be alone or with a group of people. You can be indoors in the comfort of your home or on top of a mountain. You can use lots of equipment or only your own body. You can spend money or not. You can be yourself!
Here are some tips that I have found helpful personally or have gleaned from friends.
This article is part of a continuing series of health during these COVID times. For other articles, please see
Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash