By David Jamieson
UCC President
There’s a remarkable story in the Book of Acts that describes what can happen when the church prays.
King Herod Agrippa had cast James, the brother of John, into prison, and sent an executioner to kill him with the sword. Seeing that many people in Jerusalem were pleased with this, he then decided to imprison Peter also.
However, when Herod sent a squadron of sixteen soldiers to arrest Peter the entire church began to pray for his release.
Acts 12:5 says, “So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.”
In other words, they began to pray without ceasing for Peter, for they knew that he could not be spared from God’s cause. They began to realize that they had reached a place in time, that without the special help of God, the church would not survive.
However, you know how the story ended. It was the last night before Peter’s execution and while the church was earnestly praying God heard their prayers and sent a mighty angel from heaven to rescue Peter.
This amazing story illustrates what can happen when God’s people come together with one heart to pray and to make Jesus king over all of our life’s circumstances and needs. It is then that God chooses to do the miraculous!
In Steps to Christ, Ellen White wrote, “Prayer is the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven's storehouse where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence.”
Prayer connects you and me to the source of all power. Prayer changes things. Prayer can do anything that God can do. God’s ear is always open when we come to Him in prayer, and He is always available, and we never get a busy signal.
The reality is that, when we start praying, God starts working!
When the church prays, God hears our prayers.
When the church prays, God answers our prayers.
When the church prays God answers our prayers with power.
When the church prays, lives are changed. When the church prays, sinners will come running and asking what must I do to be saved? When the church prays, drug addicts are released from their addictions.
When the church prays, the wayward child that you've been praying for comes home. When the church prays, the sick are healed. When the church prays, the truth will be preached from the pulpits. When the church prays, we will forgive one another.
When the church prays, the church will know that God hears from heaven. When the church prays, blessings will come down. When the church prays, the Holy Spirit will pour out His latter reign.
So, if there was ever a time for the church to pray, it is now!
We are told that every revival in history has started with prayer. There has never been a mighty outpouring of the Spirit in a revival which did not begin in the persistent prevailing prayer of a desperate people. Wouldn’t you like to see a revival begin throughout all the Upper Columbia Conference and beyond?
My friend, what the church needs today is not more machinery or better machinery. Not new programs or more novel methods. What the church needs today is men and women whom the Holy Spirit can use — men and women of prayer.
One of the great challenges that we face in UCC is how to reach out to lost men and women and boys and girls for the kingdom of God. No matter where you go all around the world it seems like we don't know how to really go about reaching the many people all around us in our communities, but God says, “Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Jeremiah 33:3
So beginning on September 1 for 40 days until October 10, we are inviting anyone who wishes in UCC and beyond to pray every single day for one specific thing — that God would pour out His Holy Spirit among us and give us a vision for how to reach lost men and women and boys and girls for His kingdom.
It is my prayer that you would accept this invitation and join me in this special 40 Days of Prayer.
Pray when you’re driving down the road, when you’re out for a walk, when you have family worship, or when you have your own personal time. Pray any way you want, but I ask that you would sincerely pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon UCC that we might receive God’s vision for reaching lost men and women and boys and girls for His kingdom.
For more information and Prayer Resources for you, your family, your church and school to use during the 40 Days of Prayer please visit
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