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Upper Columbia Conference Holds Young Adult Event

September 13, 2023

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Upper Columbia Conference president, David Jamieson and UCC youth & young adult director, Jeff Wines, hosted Start a Conversation, an event empowering collegiate age young adults to be involved in conversation about the church.

By Autumn Dunzweiler

UCC communications coordinator

On Saturday, April 22, 2023, Upper Columbia Conference president, David Jamieson and UCC youth & young adult director, Jeff Wines, hosted Start a Conversation, an event empowering collegiate age young adults to be involved in conversation about the church. The event was held at Lake City Academy in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, with the goal of bringing the young adults in the area together to fellowship, connect, and discuss the tough conversations.

“This was a wonderful experience that provided an opportunity for young adults in this part of our conference to come together to begin the conversation about what they are challenged with in their churches,” shared Wines. “David and I listened, discussed, and answered their questions, working to include each person so they felt heard.”

The event began with a meal allowing the young adults to mingle and meet others their age. As the evening continued, the group transitioned into a vespers service led by Jamieson. Then the conversation began. Jamieson and Wines invited the group of 20 young adults to gather in a circle to make the conversation more personable. Jamison began by sharing about himself and his role in the conference.

“After David finished sharing, I was prepared to begin with the list of questions I had pre-prepared; however, when the floor was open to discussion the group jumped right in,” explained Wines.

The conversation lasted an hour and a half with Wines facilitating the conversation while Jamieson engaged the questions. Many of the reoccurring themes that were shared by the young adults included: their desire to be heard and included in church. They wish that their church members would be gracious mentors that are willing to guide them. Many want to be involved in a church that is non-judgmental that they can bring their friends to. Others want to be involved in a church, but find it hard to navigate how to fit in.

As the evening came to an end, the young adults expressed how grateful they were for the event. They felt that their voices had been heard and they are confident that Jamieson is here to help and listen. Before the event ended Jamieson prayed for the group and, in return, the group surrounded Jamieson with their hands on him to pray for the work he is doing in Upper Columbia Conference.

With the positive feedback, there will be another young adult event held in the future. If you know a young adult or wish to be included in the next event email Jeff Wines at to be added to the group text.


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