Notice is hereby given that the quadrennial session of the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene at the Upper Columbia Academy convocation center in Spangle, Washington, on Sunday, September 24, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to receive from the officers and department directors of the Conference reports pertaining to the work carried on within its territory since the last Quadrennial session; to elect for the ensuing term officers, department directors, and the Conference Executive Committee; and to transact any other business that may properly come before the delegates in session. Each church shall be represented at the sessions of the Conference by two delegates for the church organization and one delegate for each 75 members, or major fraction thereof, each of whom shall be a Seventh-day Adventist member in good and regular standing of the local church, which he or she represents.
David Jamieson, president
Rodney Mills, vice president for administration