by Kathy Marson
ļ»æLast week during prayer time, we prayed for the various mountains we face and I asked for prayer for our family Christmas near Chelan, Washington. We had rented a house near there and given the storms and the closing of Snoqualmie Pass, I wasn’t sure we would actually be able to be together.
God answered and provided in many ways. I want to share his answer to our literal mountain of snow.
When we arrived at the house after a four-hour drive, I was dismayed to see very deep snow. Three and a half feet or more lay on an expansive driveway -- not the kind of snow one can power-walk through. A shovel was a must and we had an ice scraper.
I breathed a prayer and drove toward a nearby community. As I drove, I noticed a plow and waved him down. Getting out of my car, I asked if he could plow the driveway. He said no. He was only allowed to plow certain properties, not the private home we’d rented. (The owners aware of our arrival had tried to get their maintenance crew to plow but due to being snow bound they could not plow till Saturday morning.)
I explained my situation and he again said no, but quietly he said he would clear just enough room for my car and I’d have to figure out the rest. I agreed. As he left he handed me a regular garden shovel and said, “Use this, just give it back when you’re done.”
God knows that praising and complaining can come out of the same mouth at the same time. Clearing a narrow path 20 feet to the front door was not easy with a garden shovel which the snow stuck to like Velcro. I was thankful for the tool but stressed as well. While I shoveled to the front door our next carload of family arrived. Being appraised of the mountain of snow they’d stopped at a hardware store. Not finding a proper tool they borrowed one – again something they said they don’t do, but after saying that they miraculously found one they loaned us.
One more shovel allowed us entry into the house where right in the foyer was another very nice snow shovel. With three shovels we were able to clear a narrow path to park one car in the garage. We were also able to get a handicapped family member into the house.
God provided each shovel and we were able to park all four cars where that mountain of snow had been. The next morning the plow crew, hired by the owner, was able to dig the rest out so we had full access.
Family took the borrowed snow shovel to the hardware store with a dozen donuts, which was definitely an answer to the employees prayers.
Whenever a family goes through hardship, the memories made are deeper and harder to erase than if they had not gone through them. You probably can recall some in your own family.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
And let steadfastness have its full effect,
that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking in nothing.
James 1:2-4
In the end looking back on the family Christmas, we lacked nothing. Facing the mountain of snow was a trial that God, in His wisdom, allowed us to go through. God turned our mountain into a driveway. In the trials and mountains of this life we must remember that God will always carry us through. He has the resources. He answers our prayers.
In closing, I want to share two promises that are appropriate for the times we live in. The world is crazy, upside-down. Many things said on the news do not make sense to many people. But we can focus on God and his promises to take care of us through our trials.
Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous.
Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed,
for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9
Because you have kept my word about patient endurance,
I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world,
to try those who dwell on the earth.
Revelation 3:10
May our prayers to God be like a continuous breath of communication to our creator, building trust and faith that will endure to the end of time.