by Kathy Marson
“I was blessed by God immensely and I will never be the same!” This statement was heard by many at the recent Prayer Summit, held at the Upper Columbia Conference headquarters in Spokane, Wash., October 13-15, 2023. Stephen Farr and David Jamieson were the main speakers.
From God placing special messages on people’s hearts, to His orchestrating an anointing service for all who desired this, many attendees expressed heartfelt thanks to God and leaders that this event was exactly what they needed.
Seminars by Jeremiah Smart, Jimmy Johnson, Jim Kilmer, Perry Flerchinger, and Kathy Marson were instrumental in giving people information on how to create space for more prayer in our churches; how to prayer walk, how to put into action our prayers and how to make them tangible. Many appreciated the seminar titled, “Don’t Take the Bait” The Healing Power of Prayer. These are available to listen to at: You can also watch all the main meetings at this link.
Stephen Farr, local pastor from Pendleton and Pilot Rock, Ore., kept the attendees spellbound with stories of answered prayer as God led him from a dysfunctional home, homelessness, and to becoming a pastor. Pastor Farr shared talks on "War Room," "Armor of God," and "Battlefield."
Answers to prayer were shared throughout the weekend. Another takeaway from the weekend was the fact that prayer is under attack. Prayer is the battlefield. When God's people pray, we win. When we don't, the devil wins. Many people who came were determined to come even though there were health issues or other roadblocks in their path. During Friday evening meeting there were sound issues with the PA system. At one point, with nothing visibly wrong, an individual prayed for God to remove any evil blocking the sound, and right away the sound worked again. It is clear to many that prayer is power from God that the devil seeks to halt.
David Jamieson, president of Upper Columbia Conference, shared the importance of Vertical Prayer, of really creating the space for prayer in every church. He shared how we can look to God as we face all kinds of battles, for our kids, for our finances, for our families, we can look up to God vertically and He will help us win. We win through the power of prayer. As David spoke, he recognized that God's Holy Spirit was giving him words to say.
These are words all members need to hear. Please ask God to create space in your days to listen to these timely messages on prayer from the Prayer Summit. We have seen throughout history, that spending time in prayer is behind every big movement of God. When we all make prayer a priority through God’s help, He will do great things!
Watching and listening to the 2023 Prayer Summit is one of the most important things you can do!
Though this Prayer Summit, may you be blessed by God, and never be the same!
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything
by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
Philippians 4:6
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation,
be constant in prayer.
Romans 12:12