By Kathy Marson
Do you ever wish there was a short story about Adventists that you could share with others? Perhaps stories of answered prayer or miracles?
We have discovered something quite special and sharable. It is short documentary series called Humans of Adventism.
You may have heard of Humans of Adventism before. They have a page on Facebook as well. But they also now have a YouTube channel. (
The series on YouTube is by Justin Khoe and Kaleb Eisele. They began traveling across the United States a little over a year ago to gather life stories of a diverse array of Seventh-day Adventists. Then Covid hit just a month into filming. So far there are 10 episodes.
Here is a little window into the 10th episode. A father shares a story of miracles when his son was born premature. A school catastrophe is shared and how God spared those in the path of the disaster. A couple prays for a family member and they see God’s hand.
In the comments section this was shared, “This video was so powerful in reminding us to intentionally look around so we can see all the miracles that God is doing in our lives, God is SO GOOD TO US!!”
We recommend these short stories as conversation starters for groups. Each one delves into heartfelt stories of the human experience as told by Seventh-day Adventist people.
Here is a link to the Humans of Adventism documentary series.
Let us be intentional each day in praying for people in need. And if you have a short story of answered prayer to share, please send it to: