By Minner Labrador
President, UCC
Much has happened in our conference over the past two months. In my last report, I mentioned our Mission Ignition event. This event featured our department directors presenting their plans to fulfill our initiative to seek out One More for Jesus.
What a blessing these presentations were! As each director shared their plans with clear goals and objectives, I couldn’t help but reflect what great work they are doing to help our Conference bring in One More.
Now it is time to share this message with our churches and members. We know that our time on earth is short. Jesus is returning soon! What can each of us do to bring One More to His kingdom?
I want to share with you two stories of how some of our churches are working towards One More. These stories were also shared recently with our Executive Committee. Slavik Ostapenko, who provides leadership among our Slavic churches in Spokane, is having tremendous success reaching individuals worldwide through his Youtube ministry.
His small Slavic-speaking church has received more than 280,000 views with more than 60 million impressions. These are impressive numbers and show how God is working through technology.
Jason Worf, our pastor up in Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho, has an amazing story about a couple that recently moved to the area. In their move, they stumbled upon an old George Vandeman book, “Planet in Rebellion.” It sparked an interest and they started doing their research. The couple is now scheduled to be baptized this Spring!
God is so good. He is always winning. The Lord is unstoppable!
As COVID numbers start decreasing rapidly over the next few months, pray for our churches that they continue to assemble safely. There is so much to be excited about. How will God work in your life to bring One More to Him? May we all continue to be Heaven-minded!
This article first appeared in the May 2021 President's Report. To read the full report see