The topic for the recent Men’s Summit held at Camp MiVoden, (Idaho), March 6-8, 2020, was “The Power of One” presented by Dr. Minner Labrador, president of the Upper Columbia Conference. Teenagers through seniors attended and were blessed by this time to discover the power of becoming a man of God.
Minner shared his heart with the men by sharing a journey through the life of Jacob and how God transformed Jacob into a man of God through the power of one encounter. The power of one father and the power of one warrior.
The theme continued with Buford Griffith, pastor and director of Family Ministries in the Southwestern Union of Seventh-day Adventists. His talk was, “Strong Temple, Strong Man.”
Eric Brown, the UCC ministerial director, Eric Brown, shared how one man can make a difference if they will choose to work on themselves while they love others. When the power of one is Holy Spirit power, one man can make a difference.
A breakout by Kinley Sorenson shared how to help veterans reflect Christ in their homes and communities. The men were fed spiritually and one commented, “The main worships were on point. I enjoyed the talking and getting to know the other attendees.“
“I was most blessed by the early morning devotionals – much to my surprise. I am NOT a morning person, but God woke me up and got me there,” said another attendee.
Eric Brown was grateful for the strong foundation laid by the previous Men’s Ministries team. He said, “Even with short notice, we had a great group of men come together. It is a powerful thing to see men of different generations kneeling together in prayer for their families.”
The weekend was evidence that God is moving in a special way on the hearts of the men in the UCC. There was a hunger to see men’s ministries happening in the local church. Brown said, “God is calling men to strengthen each other to take on the mission God has giving this church in this end time.”
Please Note: This retreat was the last retreat held in UCC before the State of Washington declared the stay at home order and churches and events were no longer allowed to meet.