by Laurinda Cutlip
"Prayer Warriors need prayer coverage too! Inviting three people to regularly pray for you as one of God’s Warriors will not only cover you in prayer, but will give you an opportunity to share your passion, vision and focus with at least three people. As they pray for you, you can expand to sharing requests, needs, and other things as God places these on your heart. Prayerfully sharing together becomes contagious, habit forming, makes all crave God more, and pray more. The necessity, privilege, and importance of prayer will become clearer, more evident.
The three people you invite may catch the vision to ask three people to pray for them, as they are now Prayer Warriors! This will make the prayer experience vertical – it will grow in both directions! And, the best part is that every Prayer Warrior will get to watch and experience God at work. And, God’s Prayer Warriors are not silent! They will tell others about what they’ve seen, heard, experienced. More and more people will be added as Warriors and the numbers will grow by leaps and bounds – VERTICALLY! Faith will grow. We will be exercising God’s authority that He has given to us!