There are days when we have to sit back in amazement as we participate with God in the finishing of the gospel. Days that we lay our plans at His feet, and He responds with “not-so-fast.” During the recent months, we are experiencing one of those “days.”
As we entered the COVID-19 crisis, we, as a nation, were seeing around 20% unemployment, our churches were being told to meet online, and no one knew what lay around the corner. It is the responsibility of Administrative Committee and the Executive Committee to look at the big picture and keep Upper Columbia Conference on the most stable financial footing as possible. For that reason, the Executive Committee voted to approve budget cuts to help the conference navigate up to a 6% annual tithe loss.
While through February we had more than a 24% increase in tithe, by the end of March that had been reduced to about a 4.75% increase. It was because of the anticipated direction of tithe, given the economic climate, that the Executive Committee voted the contingency plans for our conference. Reassignments were planned, along with carefully prepared budget reductions. While it was understood that adjustments would have to be made, no one on any committee could have predicted what God was about to do.
Over the last two months, we have seen God bless His people across the Upper Columbia Conference. We have seen God’s faithful people step up to continue the mission of reaching “one more” for the Kingdom. We have witnessed hearts being changed and lives being transformed. In addition, we continue to be confounded by the financial blessing that God continues to bestow upon this Conference.
As of the end of May, God has given this Conference more than a 6.2% tithe gain year to date. Who would have thought in the midst of these times that our conference would be seeing more than a 6.2% tithe gain? Who would have dreamed that despite our church not meeting in person, and many of our members being out of work, that God would bless His people with more than a 6.2% annual tithe gain?
As the Administrative Committee team, along with the Administrative and Finance Committee and the Executive Committee, we are amazed at the evidence of God’s mighty hand upon His faithful people. As a result of this miraculous tithe increase, the voted departmental reassignments and budget reductions have been suspended. Because God has spoken with His bountiful blessings, we will continue to move forward in faith, seeking to fulfill the mission of reaching “one more” for Him.
Today, this week, and throughout the year, let us join our voices in singing praises to God for His marvelous works.
Together in His service,
Minner Labrador, President
Rodney Mills, VP for Administration
Allee Currier, VP for Finance
Brian Harris, VP for Education