Oxidative stress, cell and tissue damage, is implicated in virtually every known human disease, including infections, cancer, diabetes, and depression. Oxidative stress occurs when an imbalance occurs between oxidants and antioxidants. Oxidants are normally generated as by-products of oxygen metabolism in our bodies but there are many things that can greatly increase the levels of these “free radicals”. These include ultraviolet light, radiation, pollutants, heavy metals, and some lifestyle choices.
Several antioxidants have been exploited in recent years for their actual or supposed benefits against oxidative stress. Manufacturers have made money on consumers looking for an easy way to minimize their health risks from these free radicals. God gave us some amazing antioxidants that are much better than any that a company could manufacture. They are found in plants!
The top ten antioxidant vegetables in ascending order are: eggplant, corn, onions, red bell pepper, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, kale, and garlic. Yes, garlic is the highest known antioxidant vegetable. A double-blind placebo-controlled study published in 2001 showed that those who took a garlic supplement had 60% fewer cold per year than those who took the placebo. They also had 70% fewer symptomatic days – one and a half days compared to five. But, how much garlic were they given? It was the equivalent of four cloves a day. You can get the benefits from a supplement as the study subjects did or with raw or cooked garlic.*
Hey, we are practicing social distancing. Maybe this will help! It will certainly give you a great natural boost in antioxidants.
*Advances in Natural Therapy July/August 2001 Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial