By Andrew Bigelow
Yakima Adventist Christian School correspondent
Following the 2019–20 school year and the impacts of COVID-19, the Yakima Adventist Christian School family was excited about a new school year and in-person classes with friends and teachers.
Denise Carey, YACS principal, had spent countless hours during the 2020 summer vacation working with the Yakima County Health Department, the school board and others to ensure a safe and smooth return to in-person education. Little did they know the other challenges awaiting.
Following a silent battle with cancer, Carey suddenly passed away on Oct. 17, 2020. Since many were unaware of Carey’s battle, the news of her death hit hard. The sudden vacancy in leadership prompted many questions.
The book of Isaiah says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please” (Isah. 46:10, NIV). The text continues, “Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear” (Isah. 65:24, NIV).
Knowing the end from the beginning, and answering our prayers before they were breathed, God was already providing.
Karen Wasiczko, school board chair and retired YACS teacher, along with her husband Wayne, retired YACS principal and teacher, stepped up to provide leadership as a temporary principal team until a more permanent solution could be found.
In late October, Delmar Wolfkill, 9-10th grade teacher, was selected to fill the role as principal for the remainder of the school year.
As Wolfkill transitioned to principal, YACS needed a replacement teacher for second semester. Once again, God already had a solution. During the December break, Rick Blumenschein moved from Wisconsin to Yakima to finish the school year as the 9–10th grade teacher.