Google Classroom, FlipGrid, Quizlet, Google Meets — all these were things that were not in our vocabulary before March 16, 2020, became a part of our day-by-day activities. Cascade Christian Academy went to a one-to-one program with Chromebooks for our middle and high school four years ago. Our elementary students also had many opportunities over the years to be on Chromebooks and experience learning through different programs as well.
As we rolled out our distance-learning program, the transition was smooth. Students were taught our expectations, navigating the programs and turning in schoolwork. Our lower elementary grades were initially completing packets with schoolwork, but as time has gone on more of our students have received instruction via Chromebooks.
With the constant changes and updates we were met with in early March, our faculty and teachers spent hours making plans to continue to educate our K–12 students to show love, integrity, virtue and excellence for God. This has been our mission at CCA, and moving to distance learning did not change that but enhanced it.
Communication was going to be critical as we transferred to a digital learning environment for most of our students. Our executive team quickly worked together to provide a plan for all of our stakeholders and how we would be continuing to communicate and provide a robust education in order for all of our students to be prepared to move to the next grade level.
These plans were formulated and shared with students on March 16, and we began our distance learning the next day. Emails, meetings and videos went out to our students, parents, staff, board members and constituents on how we were navigating our distance learning. The communication is always key with education, but we have focused on this more during this new era.
While our doors have been closed, we have continued to lead students to progress with our learning standards through various methods and resources. Bringing community and fun to our students, families and faculty has also been important. Early in April we were able to have a Stay Home Spirit Week. Students honored essential workers by dressing up. The week also included showing Wolverine Pride through dressing in school colors, pajama day and several other fun things.
Our annual spring week of worship was led by Tye Davis and was well-received by our students and parents, who were encouraged. Celebrating our students' birthdays has also been a special part of this time and has included sending home notes, small gifts and even showing up at their homes to sing to them from a safe distance.
Cascade Christian Academy met the challenge of distance learning with our vision of living for Him during uncertainty with faith and trust. God is at the helm of our school. While we do not know what tomorrow or next year will bring, He is leading and will provide just what we need.