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Camp MiVoden Sees Success During COVID

September 22, 2020

“The case for camp has changed. Now more than ever, every child needs camp. Not just this summer but beyond this summer, in 2021 and beyond.”

The smell of the pine trees, sun light glinting off the water, birds talking and the gentle breeze wafting through the trees greeted Jeff Wines, director of Camp MiVoden, as he arrived and looked out across Hayden Lake. It was June 25, 2020, and staff certification week was just around the corner. Uppermost in his mind were the words — WE ARE READY!

The news in February had made him acutely aware of COVID-19. By March, multiple entities across the country shut down. Jeff wondered, “Can we run camp?” He says, “I wasn’t sure but started learning as much as I could about COVID-19.”

By April, the full-time MiVoden team — Ashley, Caleb, Melissa, Denise and Barclay — had spent considerable time coming up with a plan to hopefully run camp. MiVoden is associated with the Association of Adventist Camp Professionals (AACP); Christian Camp and Conference Association (CCCA); and American Camping Association (ACA), which is also where MiVoden gets its accreditation. The ACA gives guidance to camps. Their mission is to have health, safety, and risk management industry standards — whether under normal conditions or in a pandemic. Jeff Wines is the current president of AACP.

In April Jeff was on a conference call with the board of AACP. The guest presenter, Tom Rosenberg, CEO of ACA, pleaded with Adventist camps to open if possible. He said, “The case for camp has changed. Now more than ever, every child needs camp. Not just this summer but beyond this summer, in 2021 and beyond.”

Jeff contemplated the facts of COVID-19 and the words of Tom Rosenberg rang in his ears. Tim had asked, “How do we raise the resources to offer more camp not less, because clearly kids need it.” Jeff had a growing concern for young people and their families and Tom’s comments impacted him as well. This was a driving force for Jeff and the MiVoden team to be more intentional about running Camp MiVoden this summer. 

“We needed a place where kids could be in a more normalized community,” says Jeff. “Young people and families needed relationship with each other in a peaceful Christ-centered, outdoor environment.”

Not long after the conference call, ACA came out with a guide for how to set up and run camp, called a “Field Guide for Camps.” At about the same time the states of Idaho and Washington sent information about stages for reopening. Jeff says, “We started working with the Panhandle Health District in Idaho and monitored what was happening with the pandemic in Kootenai County. We contacted local camps in Northern Idaho as well as our sister camp in Southern Idaho, Ida-Haven.”

Jeff stayed in touch with Upper Columbia Conference (UCC) and North Pacific Union Conference (NPUC) Risk Management and legal departments as well as the Union youth director, Rob Lang, to make sure to proceed appropriately. A presentation was made to the Camp MiVoden Board about attempting to run camp during COVID-19. After presenting all the information gleaned; a proposal on how to run camp; and after a lot of dialogue, Camp MiVoden Board unanimously agreed to the proposal of running camp. Jeff says, “We recognized that at any time Camp MiVoden could be shut down, but it was worth it to try. I want to thank UCC Administration and Camp MiVoden Board for their support and journeying with us as we traveled down uncharted waters.”

After months of work, Jeff and the amazing year-round staff were tired but ready for the arrival of the camp staff. There were some awkward moments because they couldn’t give hugs or handshakes. Staff received a mask with Camp MiVoden’s logo on the front. They all had a temperature check, and a questionnaire about symptom’s related to COVID-19. All staff were asked to document a two-week temperature check before arriving. 

Each staff member was significantly dedicated to being at camp because they knew at any time MiVoden could be shut down. They knew they couldn’t leave for normal days off and they would only be able to connect with the people in their department at mealtimes with proper physical distance. The staff knew it would be a hard summer, but they also knew it would be one of the most memorable and rewarding summers at camp! This would be a summer like no other! 

Because of COVID-19, many of the potential returning staff did not come back to MiVoden. So the staff came from all over the country, seven camps represented. Many of these young people wanted to work at camp no matter what and in some cases they were willing to fly and drive across the country just to work at MiVoden. Jeff says, “I am indebted to this group who came to MiVoden to spread the love of Jesus in a time when it was so needed. Praise God, He brought together an amazing team!”

This wasn’t an easy experience for the MiVoden staff. Many struggled to cope with all the changes that had happened because of COVID-19. It wasn’t only the staff who were struggling. Many of the youth campers and family campers where also dealing with challenges. 

“This summer felt like I was running camp for the first time,” says Jeff. “However, through the encouragement and journeying with multiple people I started to look at the opportunities. The opportunities that could happen because of COVID-19!” 

Jeff and his staff began to ask if there were creative new things that could be put in place that would make MiVoden’s ministry better in the long run and help mitigate COVID-19? They asked, “Are there things that have been done in the past that could revitalize camp and give us more opportunities?” Instead of looking at the glass as half empty, they began to look at the glass half full. Here are examples of some of the ways they coped with COVID-19.

  • They moved camp from a 7-day camp to a 5-day camp. This allowed for significant cleaning of the camp and a day off for staff. 
  • All of the Ultimate camps, similar to an outpost camp, became completely self-contained. They cooked, did activities, worships etc. with the staff they had and didn’t connect with main camp. 
  • Many of the tables from the dining hall were moved outside. 
  • Registration was drive-through for youth campers with parents only getting out of their car one time to unload luggage.
  • Family campers were put into color groups for all activities, meals, programs, etc. for the week, which mitigated contact across camp. 
  • Camp MiVoden provided logo masks for all campers and asked campers to wear masks where appropriate and within the guidelines of Kootenai County and ACA recommendations. 
Every Friday as camp finished and campers went home, multiple campers would share how grateful they were for camp. Jeff says, “They would mention things that we had changed, due to COVID-19, and ask that we keep many of those things in place! Then often crying, they would say that camp this year was amazing, and they were so grateful to be at camp!”

“As I look back, recognizing that there are always things that need to be made better, changed, or fixed; I realize that despite everything, we took a chance, looked for the opportunities, asked God to bless and He showed up in mighty ways,” says Jeff. “We have not had one known case of COVID-19 from this summer!”

God showed up at Camp MiVoden. Jeff says, “I saw God work through our amazing, full-time staff and summer staff. I saw God work through our campers. I saw God above the mask in the twinkling eye of a camper that enjoyed shooting off a rocket; painting a ceramic; riding a horse or wake-board. I saw God through programs that shared how Jesus loves each of us and that we can overcome giants. The title of our evening play was “Every Giant Will Fall!” I saw God as campers were around commitment fires and giving their lives to Jesus.”

Camp MiVoden is the Seventh-day Adventist camp in Upper Columbia Conference that operates retreats and summer camps on beautiful Hayden Lake.

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