Jeff Wines
Director, Camp MiVoden
Last year, Camp MiVoden was one of the few camps in the country that were able to operate their summer program. We had a stringent protocol that included masking, distancing, a closed campus, and the use of cohorts designed to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses. We were blessed with a great summer with no positive tests for COVID.
This summer, we are in the middle of another amazing camp season. The summer camp experience is even more important for our campers, given the uncertainty and isolation of the past year. We see the importance of camp on a weekly basis with each group of campers who arrive at Camp MiVoden seeking a closer relationship with God.
With the arrival of the vaccine and in consultation with Panhandle Health District, we relaxed some of our protocol from last year to reduce stress on our staff and create a more natural camp experience.
However, as cases increase in our local community, we are also seeing cases among our staff and campers this summer. With the help of Panhandle Health District we are testing our staff at least once a week. In accordance with our protocol, staff who test positive must isolate for 10 days. They must also be symptom-free before returning to work.
Our strategies to keep our campers safe and mitigate the risk of COVID spread, include:
• Screening of all campers during registration
• Keeping most activities outside
• Wearing masks indoors
• Encouraging handwashing and good sanitary practices
• Campers who test COVID positive are sent home
We are committed to doing everything in our power to keep our campers healthy and safe, while continuing to offer the MiVoden experience. We ask for your continued prayers for the success of this critical ministry for our young people. If you have additional questions about Camp MiVoden, please see our FAQ atļ»æ