
By David Jamieson March 5, 2025
President Jamieson shares recent actions from Executive Committee to address financial challenges.
The theme of the 2025 National Day of Prayer is
By Kathy Marson March 4, 2025
Churches considering a community event can hold a special National Day of Prayer event!
By Isaac Meythaler February 27, 2025
The three-day event began with a healthy three-course meal on Thursday, followed by a series of presentations on mental health.
By Isaac Meythaler February 18, 2025
Teens enjoyed a weekend filled with fun activities, time to connect with peers, and worship that challenged their understanding of God.
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Strategic Plan — 2023-2025

We are called to participate in the Great Commission of leading people into a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. UCC administration, directors, pastors, church delegates, and Executive Committee have prayerfully worked together to identify 14 primary strategic goals under which we can, by God’s grace and through His Holy Spirit, fulfill the Great Commission in UCC and beyond.

Our desire is to also be totally open and fully surrendered to God’s miraculous leadings as we work alongside Him to grow His kingdom. Therefore, we anticipate Him leading us to other significant special initiatives and projects as we journey with Him and follow the leading of His Holy Spirit.

Read the Strategic Plan
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Preparing others for the soon return of Jesus.

Our Mission

The mission of the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is to share the everlasting gospel, in the context of the three angels messages of Revelation 14:6-12, with every person in the Inland Northwest and the world, leading all to love and accept Jesus as their personal savior and to unite with His church, nurturing them in preparation for His soon return. 

Our Vision

The Upper Columbia Conference equips and empowers ministries that reach our communities with the Christ-centered Seventh-day Adventist message of hope and wholeness.

Our Motto

Prayer is communicating with God: He, has the power to heal and grow you!

Let's Pray Together

Praying for God's Holy Spirit and His vision in your life and the life of your church is the most important activity to begin your day. As we pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for ourselves, each member of our families and each member of our church, we know God is answering in a mighty way. 

Prayer is how we communicate with God. Creating moments of quiet and focus where we can truly hear His calling. We can pray to lift up our families, our communities, and our leaders. (See weekly prayer list here)

We encourage you to join your local church prayer group or request prayer from our prayer team on the form below. 

Can We Pray For You?

If you would like to send in a prayer request, we have a prayer team who will pray for you.  You can send this in the form below. You can also use this form to update us to let us know if your prayers were answered. Please leave your phone number and let us know If you would like someone to pray with you over the phone. Otherwise we will send you a response by email. You can email us at:

Prayer Resources

To find out more about prayer resources and our prayer team, go here.

Send a Prayer Request

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